Bullying Statistics

Bullying Statistics

18 June 2015

Academic Goals

James Bogenschutz
Dr. Parker
Eng. 102
18 June 2015
Academic Goals
Education has become a must in today’s society, the goal is to provide a better education and future for our students. “To create an economy built to last, we need to provide every student with a complete and competitive education that will enable them to succeed in a global economy based on knowledge and innovation” (White House). This is an inspiring quote, it makes me feel empowered and like we can actually make a difference to succeed. The overall goal is to help students succeed to provide a better future to themselves and to society. The goal is to provide better schools with more qualified educators. Also, better school assessments for students to accomplish more. “Race to the Top has helped drive states nationwide to pursue higher standards, improve teacher effectiveness, use data effectively in the classroom, and adopt new strategies to help struggling schools” (White House). Race to the top is an initiative that provides an incentive to those states that are willing to make an attempt to improve education. Apparently, many states have gotten on board with this and this is really good for our education systems.
I like hearing that we are making an attempt to improve our education systems one step at a time. Although there are many things that we are struggling with in today’s society we have to make an attempt for change and I am a believer that education would provide that change. Moreover, education is the key to success in today’s society and we must improve it by focusing on our children, on what the teachers are teaching, and on setting higher standards for our children.
Work Cited

White House. n.p. Web. 18 June 2015. <https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/education/k-12>.

1 comment:

  1. I have had the pleasure of studying abroad and have seen how other countries handle their education. In Spain, when we spoke to other students, they said its crazy to hold a job and go to school. The family pushes you to study full time and focus on education. In morocco, we met students who were 12 years old and could speak four languages fluently. English, Spanish, French and Arabic! I wish we would follow not all of the other countries but some of their examples and figure out how we can improve it for our children.
