Bullying Statistics

Bullying Statistics

22 June 2015

James Bogenschutz
Dr. Parker
Eng. 102-Blog #1
18 June 2015
Bullying has become a hot topic to talk about. Violence in school environments has turned very dangerous in the past years. Recently we have seen cases in which kids take guns to school and either hurt themselves or others around them. The most recent case that I have heard about is at Corona Del Sol High School, in Tempe, Az. In this case, the adolescent committed suicide on school ground. He was an athlete and they still do not know why he committed suicide. It is said that he did it to walk away from some problems and bullying that was going on. The bottom line is that children spend a lot of time in school, and it is the parent’s responsibility to know what is going on with the child. Also, it is important for school officials to figure out what should be done in regards to bullying when children do report abuse. We need to find ways to help children get along better and to be able to communicate their concerns in order to prevent cases like the one listed above to keep happening. We also have to pay attention to what children are being exposed to with internet and other students. It is imperative that we do something about bullying in schools. I remember when I was smaller, children were very mean, they would pick on another kid either because they would not fit in, or because they would look different. We have to teach children that it is not okay to mistreat others. But what some parents are actually doing is allowing their children to bully other kids, and they defend their acts by claiming that their child will be strong and will not allow other kids to pick on them. I have no children myself, but I was raised being taught to defend myself from other people. So when other children wanted to bully me I would defend myself. Not that I approve of this method, but some teachers do not do anything about it when you tell them that you are being picked on, therefore, it leaves a child defenseless and vulnerable. Therefore, in order to help our children we have to find a better way to help children interact with other kids without bullying each other, we have to teach them to tolerate people’s differences, and that it is not okay to be violent with each other.
Work Cited

“Student Commits suicide at Corona Del Sol High School.” Fox News. 12 May 2015. Web. 18 June 2015.

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