Bullying Statistics

Bullying Statistics

16 June 2015

James Bogenschutz
Eng 102
Dr. Parker
June 15, 2015
“Poverty is not just inadequate food, worn out shoes or damp bedrooms. It still is all of these things, but it is also relative; young people become acutely aware that they cannot afford the things their friends take for granted” (Wrigley, 2). Many people do not realize how a child’s life could be affected by not attending school. The poverty cycle might not stop if we do not make a change. Education is important for many reasons. The main reason why people find education important is being able to find better jobs with higher degrees. Poverty rates are pretty high and if education can decrease poverty why not make an attempt? Instead we are finding budget cuts on education while other things are being paid more attention to. I was raised on the South side of Phoenix, Arizona. I went to school at Valley View elementary school and then Cesar Chavez High School. One thing I see now is that children are receiving poor education due to the education cuts. A lot of adolescents are dropping out of high school thinking they would make it with minimum wage jobs, but that is not true. We have to change our education system to allow those less fortunate an opportunity to continue with their education and have a chance to a better lifestyle. The way that we can do this is by informing adolescents the importance of education, providing better education systems, and having government increase education funds.

Work Cited
Wrigley, Terry. "Poverty And Education In An Age Of Hypocrisy." Education    Review 24.2 (2012): 90-98. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 June 2015.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Poverty is a global issue, are you focusing more around the valley of Arizona? I grew up in in the Philippines where having hot water to shower with and or a bed to sleep on is counted a luxury. I can definitely agree that education plays a big role in one's success. However, exactly what type of cuts or changes are being made to the schools?

    - Monalissa Daguiso

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Education is important, but it doesn't guarantee that someone won't live in poverty. There are vets that received an education through the government and still ended up on the streets. I grew up in Compton, CA. and I was grateful for government cheese. My education kept me from going insane in the environment I grew up in. Poverty can exist for many different reason and education does not mean a way our of poverty.
    Joy Towers

  5. Diana Ruiz
    Is it about poverty or poor schools? no matter, it is not fair for inner state schools are children are treated as if education does not matter to them or their parents. as if their education doesn't amount to anything. If the education is not there, then how can they raise above poverty? The people who are live below poverty with children, well some relies on the school system to teach. Most parents what the education, giving to their child so they do not end up struggling. In most of these school supplies limited, and so are books. My sister is a teacher and every year, she had to buy supplies out of her pocket in order to make projects with the students she teaches. I think education along with some good choices and opportunities, there is a way out of the hood, so to speak.
